163 SOUTH FIRST STREET, FULTON, NY (315) 592-4453

Thank you for your interest in making a tax-deductible gift to the Child Advocacy Center of Oswego County.
To maximize the impact of your gift, here are some of the ways you can help children heal and go on to thrive.
- Cash or Check: One of the simplest ways to give is in the form of cash, check or credit/debit card. Please complete our donation form and return it with your gift to 163 S 1st Street, Fulton, NY 13069. Checks should be made payable to CAC Foundation Inc.
- Online Giving: You can make a donation instantly with your credit/debit card or through ACH. Click here to make your gift online.
- Monthly Giving: Become a Safety Patrol with a recurring donation. It is easy on your budget as it allows you to spread your giving out through the year. Click here to learn more about monthly giving.
- Memorial/Honorary Gifts: Remember a loved one who has passed or honor a living loved one by making a gift to the Child Advocacy Center of Oswego County. Memorial gifts will be gratefully acknowledged to the donor and the family.  Honorary gifts make a truly meaningful and special gift (especially for that one person who has everything or who is hard to buy for!). Some special occasions may include birthdays, weddings, holidays, retirement or any other. Click here to make a memorial or honorary  gift online.
- Challenge Gifts: These gifts are a great way to encourage giving among your friends and neighbors. Challenge others to match what you’ve given or pledge to match the contributions of others dollar for dollar.Matching Gifts: Does your employer have a matching gift program? Corporate matching gifts are a wonderful way to double the impact of your personal contribution. Check with your human resources department to see if your employer matches your gifts.
- Shop with AmazonSmile: Simply visit AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com) and select the C A C Foundation Inc from the list of eligible organizations. If you are already using AmazonSmile, you can change your selection to C A C Foundation Inc at any time by selecting “Change your Charity” in “Your Account.” Your online purchases through AmazonSmile will now donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible purchase to fight child abuse. Keep in mind that only purchases made at smile.amazon.com generate AmazonSmile donations. You can also donate items directly by purchasing from our Charity List.
- Planned Gifts: There are many types of planned gifts you can make to support the Child Advocacy Center of Oswego County. For more information, please contact our Fund Development Manager at 315-592-4453 ext. 3117.
- Giving with Donor Advised Fund: A donor advised fund (DAF) is a type of giving program administered by a third party that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities. If you have a DAF with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon, you may recommend a gift to the Child Advocacy Center of Oswego County (C A C Foundation Inc.) using DAF Direct below. Simply enter the amount and click next to complete your recommendation.
- Would you like to be on our mailing list? We would be happy to keep you updated on the latest news and events at the Child Advocacy Center of Oswego County. Email your name and address to sarah.weigelt@oswegocac.org and we will add you to our mailing list.

Ways to Give!

Download: Donation Form.pdf

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