163 SOUTH FIRST STREET, FULTON, NY (315) 592-4453

The New York Child Victims Act was signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo in February and on Wednesday, August 14, 2019 marked the start of the law.

"The Child Victims Act is about survivors finding their voice and finding justice because for so many years, they’ve just been living in the shadows. It’s important to shift the conversation away from ‘how many billions of dollars will come out of law suits?’ to ‘what are we going to do to make sure this doesn’t happen again?’ For me, the finances are not the point. The Catholic Church is a beautiful thing and the Boy Scouts are a wonderful thing and their leaders should be interested in making the necessary changes.” – Karrie D. Damm, LMFT

Who does the Child Victims Act apply to?
The Child Victims Act applies to anyone sexually abused as a child in the state of New York.

What does the Child Victims Act mean for survivors of child sexual abuse?
The Child Victims Act creates a one-year window, opening on August 14, 2019, which removes the statute of limitations for civil cases. This one-year window allows survivors of any age, no matter how long ago the abuse occurred to levy civil suits, hold child sex predator accountable, and protect kids.The law also expands the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse, giving survivors until age 55, up from age 23 previously, to file civil suits against their abusers and the individuals and institutions that covered up the abuse.

What is a civil suit?
A civil suit is a court-based process through which a person can seek to hold another person liable for some type of harm or wrongful act.

How do I receive a referral to an attorney for help?
The National Crime Victim Bar Association maintains a nationwide network of attorneys who are dedicated to helping survivors rebuild their lives. For more information visit and to receive a referral to a civil attorney, please go to www.victimbar.org/referrals.

Are there any local attorneys that I can contact for help?
Yes! You may contact Shanley Law Offices in Oswego (315) 343-2610.

If you need further assistance, please contact our office at (315) 593-4453.


New York Child Victims Act