163 SOUTH FIRST STREET, FULTON, NY (315) 592-4453

A community where all children are safe and free from abuse depends on steady, reliable support from dedicated Safety Patrols just like you.
Join now with a recurring donation and see your impact every month.
Your recurring donation will be charged to your preferred credit or debit card or bank account each month. For example, if you sign up for monthly giving and choose to make a monthly donation of $50, your next donation of $50 will be automatically charged to your account in one month, and each subsequent month thereafter.
Your ongoing support as a Safety Patrol is the best way to ensure your generous contributions do the most good for the children.
What a monthly gift can provide:
- A safe place where courageous children, victims of sexual and physical abuse, can find hope, justice, and healing.

- Counseling and therapy to help kids recover from the trauma of abuse and go on to thrive.
- Education and community outreach to aid in the prevention of child abuse throughout Oswego County.
Benefits to being a Safety Patrol:
- Easy – Once you sign up, your gift is processed automatically each month, saving you time and trouble.
- Flexible – There is no time commitment. You are in control and may make changes to your recurring donation at any time.
- Effective – Less is spent on administrative costs. Your automatic, monthly gift allows more of your support to go directly to fighting child abuse.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our Fund Development Manager, Sarah Weigelt at 315-592-4453 ext. 3117 or sarah.weigelt@oswegocac.org
Become a monthly donor today.

Become a Safety Patrol Today!

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