163 SOUTH FIRST STREET, FULTON, NY (315) 592-4453

Safe Harbour

What is Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)?

Commercial sexual exploitation occurs when anyone buys, trades, or sells sexual acts with a child.  A commercial sex act is any sex act where anything of value is given to or received by any person.

What are the statistics?
•    National: In 2022, NCMEC received more than 19,000 reports of possible child sex trafficking.

•    State: In 2020, 1,765 youth from 39 counties across New York State were identified as trafficked or at risk at the time of referral.

•    Local: In 2022, 29 children were identified as trafficked or at risk in Oswego County.

What is being done about this?

•    National: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) provides analytical support, clearinghouse resources, and training, as well as case management, family/peer support, and recovery services assistance on reports involving child sex trafficking.

Visit NCMEC’s website to learn more: https://www.missingkids.org/theissues/trafficking

•    State: The New York State Office of Victim Services (OCSF) created the Safe Harbour program to increase awareness and education, identify victims and vulnerable youth, and promote a more effective and efficient response to child trafficking among community-based and youth-serving organizations across the state.

Visit OCFS’ website to learn more:

•    Local: The Child Advocacy Center of Oswego County has established a Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) advocate and Safe Harbour Community Response Team.

What does the CSEC Advocate & Safe Harbour Community Response Team Coordinator do here in Oswego County?

The CSEC Advocate & Safe Harbour Community Response Team Coordinator works with other community-based and youth-serving organizations to increase awareness and education, identify victims and vulnerable children, and provides comprehensive and victim-centered services that address the unique needs of exploited youth. Through advocacy, case management/coordination, and collaboration with other organizations in Oswego County, we help youth access emergency shelter, medical care, mental health counseling, and financial assistance. Our goal is to address the immediate challenges, concerns, and safety issues of identified youth to reduce the risk of the inception or continuation of exploitation and abuse by providing access to needed resources, while educating the community.

For additional information/resources visit:

•    https://learn.nationalchildrensalliance.org/CSEResourceToolkit

•   https://ojjdp.ojp.gov/programs/sexual-exploitation-children#:~:text=Description,or%20received%20by%20any%20person.