163 SOUTH FIRST STREET, FULTON, NY (315) 592-4453

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" - Benjamin Franklin

Safe Sleep:  Babies are safest when parents and caretakers follow the ABCs of Sleep.  Please watch these videos below:

Fire Prevention:
The American Red Cross is able to provide free smoke and Co2 detectors, to receive yours today and prevent a fire in your home please call 315-234-2200

Drowning Prevention:
For free life jackets please contact your local fire department.On more drowning prevention, click the following link to read up on Levi's story and to discover new prevention plans https://www.levislegacy.com/

Suicide prevention/accidental overdose:
The following link will direct you to the Oswego County Prevention Coalition! http://ocpreventioncoalition.org/

Find help and hope for alcoholism, drug abuse, and or problem gambling at Phone: 1-877-8-HOPENY  Text: HOPENY(467369) 24 hours/7 days a week

