163 SOUTH FIRST STREET, FULTON, NY (315) 592-4453


PROTECT is a support group for non-offending parents and caregivers of children who have experienced a trauma or have been exposed to risky or unsafe situations. This group runs for 10 weeks.

Mental Health Services
The Victim Intervention Mental Health Counseling Program at the Child Advocacy Center provides individual, group and family therapy to child victims of physical and sexual abuse, child witnesses to violence, and children who are drug endangered or severely neglected/maltreated. The program employs credentialed and Licensed Mental Health Professionals, who have received specialized training in treating children who have survived a traumatic experience.

Counseling Process
Once a referral is made, the Clinical Director will contact the family within two business days.  At the beginning of counseling, the non-offending parent/caretaker will meet with the counselor for an intake appointment.  After two to six sessions, the counselor will make an initial assessment for continuation of services or make appropriate referrals to other therapeutic providers.  The focus of counseling will be determined by the needs of the family. Typically the focus is on alleviating any Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms that the family is experiencing.  Trauma– Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Client Centered Therapy, Play Therapy, Sand tray Therapy, and Art Therapy modalities are used.  The decision to terminate counseling occurs when the child, the child’s family and the counselor agree it is time.